The Truth About Fat - Vegetable oil

The Truth About Fat - Vegetable oil
It’s cheap, flavorless, and perfect for cooking – and according to the Industry, it’s high in healthy polyunsaturated fats. Once again, science proves otherwise…

It All Starts With a Plant
Vegetable oil is usually made of canola (rapeseed), soybean, corn, cottonseed, safflower or sunflower. These plants are naturally high in polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fat, which is not necessarily a bad thing. But the huge problem is: these kinds of fats are very fragile. Simple exposure to some heat, oxygen and even daylight can damage them – creating a bunch of inflammatory compounds while destroying the healthy nutrients.

Vegetable oil or Gasoline?

Let’s take a tour of how your “healthy” vegetable oil is actually made, and you’ll see why you would be better off using it to fuel your car… Ever burnt oil over very high heat and ended up with a smelly grey compound you can’t wait to throw away? That’s exactly what happens with vegetable oil during processing… except manufacturers disguise their product by filtering, bleaching and deodorizing it before having the guts to ask you to pay for it.

What It really Contains

The heavy 5-step processing vegetable oil goes through may make it look, smell and taste good, but it destroys any bit of nutrition left – while leaving you with nasty and inflammatory compounds:

1- Free radicals

Basically the opposite of antioxidants. Can make you age faster.

2- Gmo grains

Almost 100% of all soy and corn in the US is GMO, which have been linked to gut flora destruction.

3- Hidden trans fat

This will make you angry. According to a study by the University of Florida at Gainseville, even your NON-HYDROGENATED vegetable oil can still contain up to 4.6% trans fat that’s not on the label,  nutrition facts or ingredients list.

4- Hexane

Even though many regulatory agencies claim hexane levels in food are safe, test results obtained by The Cornucopia Institute indicate that your oil may contain hexane levels 10X higher than what is considered normal by the FDA.


--> Unlike what the Food Industry and even some so-called “experts” may have told you, vegetable oil is heavily processed and contains little to no nutrition.

--> Refined vegetable oil – even the non-hydrogenated kind – may contain a lot of trans fat, the most dangerous and inflammatory fat there is.

--> Vegetable oil will slow down your fat loss and recovery, especially if you’re like most Americans who consume 10% of their daily calories in the form of soybean oil.