The Truth About Protein - Seeds

The Truth About Protein - Seeds

Seeds are not only useful to feed birds. Like nuts, they are a nutritional powerhouse waiting to be discovered

One More Weapon In Your Fat-burning Arsenal

Seeds are ideal to add extra nutrients to your meals, shakes, and snacks. Like nuts, they are at their healthiest point when raw or roasted at very low temperatures.

The Seeds Faceoff

The Truth About Protein - Seeds
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Soaking Seeds

Like nuts, seeds that are soaked for a couple hours in filtered water and rinsed thoroughly will contain less natural toxins and more nutrients. Make it a habit!


  • High in nutrients and healthy fats, seeds can be a great addition to your fat-burning diet.
  • Keep flax, pumpkin and sunflower seeds in the fridge to preserve their freshness.
  • Like roasted nuts, roasted seeds you find on supermarket shelves contain rancid oil and very little nutrition. Stick with fresh, raw seeds or roast them yourself at very low temperatures.
  • Seeds contain mostly fat and are calorie-dense. Portion control is the name of the game.