Craving Killer #13: Stay Hydrated

The Cravings solution - Craving Killer #13: Stay Hydrated

“Water is the driving force of all nature.” – Leonardo da Vinci
Water is essential to life. Here’s the proof: If you never drank water, you would not be reading these words right now. Turns out water is also essential to keep your appetite and cravings in control.

The Water Trick

If you want to control your portions the easy way, simply drink a large glass of water (500 ml or about 16 oz.) before each meal. One study applying this technique on overweight adults discovered that participants dropped up to 4% body fat in 3 months because they naturally ate less. Another interesting study found that drinking 500 ml of water makes your body use 24% more calories during the next 60 minutes. The researchers figured that this is because your body has to expend energy to bring your hydration in balance.

Reduce Sugar Cravings
If you crave carbs and sugar, that’s a good sign you might be dehydrated. Here’s how it works. Your brain has a very high demand for water, which it only can get from blood flow. When you eat carbs and sugar, you increase your blood sugar, which increases blood flow to the brain. Not the best technique, if you ask me. By staying hydrated and exercising regularly, you’ll avoid these useless cravings and keep your brain happy.


--> Drinking a large glass of water before every meal is a great technique to portion control.

--> Dehydration increases your hunger and cravings for carbs.

--> To stay hydrated, make sure you drink water throughout the day and consume enough sodium if you exercise intensely.