Craving Killer #12: Fix Your Gut

The Cravings solution - Craving Killer #12: Fix Your Gut

“All diseases begin in the gut”  – Hippocrates (460-370 BC)

Good health starts in the gut, and more and more leaders in the health community are starting to accept that important fact. 70% of your immune system is actually in your gut, where 3-4 pounds of good bacteria fight against bad bacteria.

Fix Your Gut, Fix Your Appetite

Gut health and appetite are closely related. In one study, subjects given antibiotics – which destroy healthy bacteria – had ghrelin levels increased by 6 folds. A huge bump in ghrelin equals an increased appetite and sends your body the signal to store more belly fat.

How To Fix Your Gut

Keeping your gut healthy is all about eating well and living a healthy lifestyle, because it’s a reflection of your overall health. Some specific tricks to fix your gut:

  • Avoid food allergens – get tested to discover what foods might harm your gut and entire body (gluten, dairy, soy, peanuts, etc.)
  • Consume more probiotics – in fermented foods like sauerkraut or high quality supplements like BioTrust Pro-X10™
  • Avoid sugar– it actually feeds bad bacteria in your gut


--> Your gut is closely related to your appetite and entire health.

--> Fixing your gut starts by eliminating foods that harm it – and adding extra probiotics to support it.