9 Fat Burning Soups - Introduction

9 Fat Burning Soups - Introduction

Why “ 9 ” ?

According to statistics, the majority of people cook the same 9 meals over and over again. It’s just human nature: Our brains are wired to create routines and habits. Now, that’s not necessarily a bad thing – except when those 9 meals you eat all the time are NOT supporting your fat loss and health. It’s just a fact: Most recipes ask for the wrong ingredients, the wrong quantities, take too much time to prepare and aren’t designed to satisfy your taste buds at all. That’s probably why studies show that most people use only 5% of the recipes in their cookbooks – and end up craving something tastier than their bland and boring 9-meal routine. What I propose is to change things up a little bit, and give you 9 new meals to try. You might decide to incorporate some of them in your rotation, but they are so tasty, healthy and easy to prepare that you just might use them all. Remember – the key to becoming both stress-free AND fat-free is HABITS. And success starts with having the right fat burning recipes. Needless to say, you’re a the right place.
You can do it,

What’s A Fat Burning Soup?

Soups are one of the most nutrient-dense meals you can prepare. And often times, even people that don’t like to eat veggies like them. A fat burning soup starts with a ton of veggies, herbs and spices – which all support your health and fat loss. Then, if you use soups as a complete meal, it needs to include a source of protein (legumes, meat, fish, etc.) to keep you full longer.

The One Ingredient You Should Always Buy Organic

If I had to choose a single organic ingredient for my soup, it would be stock. Regular chicken, beef or vegetable stock like Bovril is basically made of refined salt, MSG, cheap protein and other chemicals. The bottom line – it’s terrible. You’ll do just fine if you use regular stock once in a while – but if soup is a staple meal for you, make sure to always use organic stock or to prepare your own stock at home.

Homemade Bone Broth

Bone broth is packed with a ton if minerals and vitamins, and does not contain any undesired ingredient. Bonus: It will save you a ton of money in the long run. Unlike what most people think, making it at home is very easy and is a great way to make the most out of your quality meat. If you don’t have access to pasture-raised or grass-fed bones (ask your butcher), stick with pre-made organic stock.

1. Place the grass-fed beef bones or pasture-raised chicken carcass in a large soup pot. Add vegetable scraps and spices if you want.

2. Cover bones and scraps with water. Set water level about one-inch above the bones.
3. Add 2 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar. This will help draw more minerals from the bones.
4. Cover the pot and set let simmer for 12-24 hours.
5. Keep the lid slightly ajar as the broth warms up to avoid boiling (make sure your liquid doesn’t boil out or you will be left with burned bones).
6. Strain the broth. It will stay fresh for days in the fridge and for months in the freezer.
7. Add water to the bones again and make a second batch of broth. Keep doing this until you are tired of it or your bones have disintegrated.

A Recipe Is Just A Guideline

Always tweak recipes to meet your calories and macronutrients (fat, protein, carbs) needs. Feel free to add more chicken or use less oil to make sure your recipe is just perfect for you.

1- Coconut And Chicken Soup

2-  Sweet & Sour Red Cabbage and Bacon Soup

3-  The Lazy Man’s Hearty Soup

4-  Winter Squash Soup With Olive Salsa
5-  Spinach And Coconut Soup

6-  Seafood Soup
7-  Winter Squash and Bacon Soup

8-  Carrot And Coriander Soup

9-  Vietnamese Pho Soup