The Truth About Protein - Milk

Got milk? Whether you’re a serious bodybuilder going GOMAD (Gallon Of Milk A Day) to increase muscle mass or a dieter looking for a lean protein source, chances are that you proudly answered: “Yes!” .Did the $180 M annual advertising budget of the dairy industry made us forget some dark secrets around this “miracle drink”? 

Why Milk Is Not an Ideal Fat-burning Food ?

I’ll be blunt: there’s a lot of chance your milk – even the fat-free kind – is actually worsening your health and slowing down your weight loss. Here’s why:
  • Because milk is pasteurized, all the beneficial probiotics and enzymes naturally contained in its raw state are gone, making it very hard to digest.
  • Actually, 60% of all adults simply can’t digest milk properly.34Say hello to bloating and inflammation!.
  • The USDA’s Pesticide Data Program (PDP) found a dramatic increase in the number of hormonedisrupting pesticides found in milk in the last years.
  • Milk is tested for four to six antibiotics that are commonly used on dairy farms, but dairy farmers use many more drugs that are not regularly tested.

Mom Was Wrong...


Your mother may have been wrong when she told you to drink your pasteurized milk for strong bones. Pasteurization destroys an important enzyme (alkaline phosphatase, if you care) that reduces the amount of calcium your body can absorb. This may explain why the United States has one of the highest rates of osteoporosis in the world while being one of the biggest consumers of dairy products, – which are noted for their high calcium content. Also, there is incontestable evidence that the more dairy a population consumes, the greater their risks of hip fractures. 

Banned hormones (rBGH, rBSTand growth hormones)

While Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Israel and all European Union countries turned down rBGH for approval on the grounds that it was not safe for animals, this hormone is still used in all 50 states. Because these dangerous hormones are not labeled, we can safely conclude all milk contains them unless proven otherwise. They are shown to :

  •  Cause 16 different harmful medical conditions to dairy cattle.
  • Increase the IGF-1 levels in the milk by at least 6 folds, increasing risks of various cancers.

Alternatives Sources For Calcium


Unlike what the dairy industry told you, a lot of non-dairy foods contain enough calcium to fill your daily needs of around 1000mg

Alternatives Sources For Calcium
Synthetic replacements are Not an option
There are smart and not-so-smart ways to replace dairy, if you want to avoid it for any reason. But watch out – most dairy alternatives are processed and lifeless, and filled with pound-packing toxic ingredients.

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Is raw Milk a healthy alternative?

Here comes the controversy. Let’s look at the facts:

  • Raw milk usually comes from grass-fed cows and packs more of the natural fat burner CLA than regular milk.
  • Raw milk contains 66% more vitamin A, D and E.
  • Pasteurization renders certain nutrients ineffective – including copper, manganese, iron and B6.
  • The Weston A. Price Foundation conducted an informal survey of over 700 families and determined that over 80% of those diagnosed with lactose intolerance no longer suffer from symptoms after switching to raw milk.
The bottom line – raw milk is more nutritious and is probably less likely to cause you digestive problems.   

The BIG Question: Is raw Milk Safe?

“Raw Milk Causes Most Illnesses From Dairy, Study Finds.” –USA Today
“CDC: Raw Milk Much More Likely to Cause Illness.” – Food Safety News
“Raw Milk is a Raw Deal, CDC Says.”  – Live science

Raw milk is still the source of passionate debates and scary headlines in the media, but growing evidence shows that fear about its safety might be totally unjustified. Like any food on Earth, raw milk contains certain pathogens and can be a potential source of foodborne illnesses. But has anyone ever taken the time to put things into perspective? Let me crunch some numbers for you :

Is raw Milk Safe?
Considering the fact that raw milk is now consumed by more than 9.4 M people in the US alone and that there hasn’t been a single death related to raw milk consumption since the 1980s – it seems like the raw milk scare is a big mess created by the milk industry and the media.The bottom line:

  • Seafood is 29X more likely to make you sick than dairy
  • Poultry is 15X more likely to make you sick than dairy
  • Eggs is 13X more likely to make you sick than dairy
  • Beef is 11X more likely to make you sick than dairy
  • Pork is 8X more likely to make you sick than dairy
  • Produce is 4X more likely to make you sick than dairy 

Summary : 

+ Most people have a hard time digesting pasteurised or even raw milk, which means dairy will impair their fat loss instead of supporting it.                                                                                                                                                                                                              + You have a 1/6,000,000 chance of getting sick from raw milk. Compare that to a 1/8,000 chance of dying from a car accident.                                                                                                                      + If you have to stick with pasteurised milk, organic is your best bet to avoid dangerous hormones and pesticides.