The Truth About Protein - Wild game

Wild game provides a great, locally grown, sustainable source of healthy, lean protein. But is wilder always better?



Wild Meats are Generally Safer

Good news: a wild animal has never been fed grains or shot with antibiotics. Therefore, wild meats are safer to consume and contain a lot less calories per pound than beef.That being said, it’s up to the hunters to handle and process the meat safely. Make sure to find wild meat from a trusted source.


Lead Contamination

Because some hunters use lead ammunition, the Minnesota Department of Agriculture found 26% of commercially ground venison contained lead fragments. However, a field study conducted by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) also found that people consuming wild game had lower blood lead levels than the national average. 

Good hunting Practices

Make sure you get informed about where your wild meat comes from. Hunting can destroy entire animal species if done incorrectly and without sustainability in mind.

Summary :
The Truth About Protein, Fat & Carbs - Wild game 

+ Wild game is a great source of lean meat, perfect to manage your caloric intake.

+ This meat doesn’t carry the usual contamination and hormone-disrupting toxins that come with commercially-raised beef, pork or chicken.

+ When hunted with care, it’s a sustainable resource.