The Truth About Fat - Other oils

With the dozens of different kinds out there, oils get confusing really fast. These few pages will make sure you don’t have to spend any more time wondering if you’re making the right choice.

What happens When Cooking oil?

Some oils can resist heat without any problems, while some fragile oils will turn into a rancid, dark smelly compound even under low heat. Generally, saturated fats like coconut oil and lard are way more stable than other fats under heat. Monounsatured fats are generally pretty stable too, while polyunsaturated fats are very fragile. Pick your cooking oils carefully: if you burn nutritious but fragile oils, you’ll end up destroying the nutrients – while creating toxic substances and free radicals.

My Criteria To Find The best oil

  • 1.Stable
  • 2.High smoke point
  • 3.Nutritious
  • 4.Optimal omega-3 to 6 ratio

Best Choices (cooking or cold use)

The Truth About Fat - Other oils
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Good Choices (low heat cooking or cold use)

The Truth About Fat - Other oils
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Risky Choices (cold use only)

The Truth About Fat - Other oils
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Terrible Choices (never eat)

The Truth About Fat - Other oils
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--> Pick your oils carefully, and only cook with very stable oils that are preferably high in saturated fats.

--> Refined oils are to be avoided at all times.

--> Keep fragile plant, nut and seed oil in a cool dark place, and consume them rapidly after opening.