The Truth About Fat - Coconut oil

Demonized in the last decades because of its high saturated fat content, coconut oil is now considered by many experts as the ultimate ''fat-burning fat''.

A Forgotten Superfood

Most people cringe when they hear “coconut oil”. The Food Industry made us forget that this superfood accounted for 60% of all the oils and fats in the United States back in 1929. The truth is that coconut oil is the healthiest and most stable cooking oil you can use. It contains lauric acid, an immune system booster that helps you ward off infections.

Your Fat Loss buddy

Despite the scare in the media, coconut oil has been proven to increase metabolism and thyroid activity. Many recent studies have proven its fat loss boosting effects. It also contains Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs), a type of fat that’s used directly as energy instead of being stored as body fat.

“I Don’t Like The Coconut Taste!”

A lot of people want to use coconut oil, but don’t like or want the coconut taste in their recipes. Good news: expeller-pressed coconut oil shows most of the benefits, but has virtually no taste.

Beware of Cheap Copra oil

In coconut-producing countries, the difference between oil made from fresh coconuts and cheap coconuts (what is called “copra oil”) is well known. This comparison will show you exactly why cheap copra oil is NOT a good choice:

Confusing Claims 

Coconut oil labeling is as confusing as trying to understand the stock market. Here’s what to look for:

The Truth About Fat - Coconut oil
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Other Great Coconut Products

Coconut oil isn’t the end of it all. Dozens of fat-burning coconut products are yours to discover

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--> Saturated fat is not to be feared, unlike what the so-called “experts” are telling you.


--> Coconut oil is one of the healthiest cooking oils you can use, and is proven to help you lose

--> That being said, it’s calorie dense like any other fat source, so don’t go overboard (2-3 tbsp. a day will go a long way).


--> Organic virgin coconut oil is your best bet if you want the coconut taste.


--> If you want to avoid the taste in your recipes, grab organic coconut oil that’s expeller-pressed without the use of any chemicals.

--> Other coconut products like coconut milk and shredded coconut show the same benefits.