The Truth About Drinks - Coffee

Every day, 64% of Americans fall for the comforting smell of coffee– making it more popular than soda and water. Let’s hope this energy boost helps them burn more fat…

Is Coffee A Fat Burner?

One study showed drinking 500 ml of coffee daily for 4 weeks produced 2.5 kg weight loss in overweight subjects, but this hasn’t been confirmed by more research. The best way coffee can help you burn more fat is if you use it to get an extra energy boost before your workout. Reasonable doses of caffeine have been shown to improve athletic performance. So do take a cup of coffee before your workout if you find that helps you – but don’t expect any magical boost in your fat loss. Important note: Never drink coffee after a workout. It will slow down your fat burning and impair your recovery.

Should You Drink Less Coffee?

It depends on how well your body can handle caffeine. Caffeine sensitivity is in your genes; you can either be a slow metabolizer of caffeine – caffeine gives you the jitters for 10 hours – or a fast metabolizer that feels just fine drinking a couple of espressos. If you’re a slow metabolizer and that coffee makes you feel terrible, you’ll be better off drinking little to no coffee, or sticking with decaf.

Coffee Health Benefits

Good news for coffee drinkers: Coffee does show clear benefits when consumed in moderation: 

  • Better cognitive function, which may improve your mental or athletic performance 
  • Important source of antioxidants
  • Can possibly lower rates of some types of cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, and Type 2 diabetes
  • Does not actually cause dehydration,
which is often cited as a common side effect You’ll get most of these benefits from 1-3 cups of coffee per day. More than that will likely do more harm than good.

Coffee health hazards

For a lot of people, coffee and caffeine consumption causes side effects: 

  • You develop a tolerance for it, which means you 
  • need to drink more to get the same boost
  • Heavy coffee drinkers will get withdrawal symptoms (headaches, etc.) when quitting
  • Can irritate the GI tract and cause acid reflux
  • Can disrupt sleep
  • You start relying on caffeine to get energy, disrupting your body’s natural rhythm.
The bottom line – if you’re addicted to your coffee and can’t live without it, it might be a good idea to start reducing your consumption or to switch to tea.

Why You Should Go black

“Want coffee with your sugar and cream?”
Coffee isn’t bad per say. The problem is: The 21 million tons of coffee grown worldwide are too often accompanied with 21 million tons of unhealthy toppings. Studies show that 50% of the coffee consumed in the US falls in the infamous category of “Gourmet Coffee Beverages”. Here’s what happens – instead of drinking your black, 0-calorie coffee, you end up choosing the delicious Frappuccino Java Chip Blended Coffee at Starbucks – which packs a total of 420 calories (without whipped cream), and more sugar than a 32 oz. soda. Want a double chocolate muffin with that? If you order one of these coffee beverages, don’t think you’re drinking coffee. Think of it as a treat or a big dessert.

Avoid These Toppings

Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners
Twinkies for breakfast… anyone? A lot of flavored coffees contain more sugar than a piece of cake.

High fructose corn syrup, trans fats, and cheap dairy based protein. Again, a bad alternative to milk or anything you might add to your coffee.

Fancy Toppings
Whipped cream, “chocolate” shavings and other sugar-laden toppings add calories to your coffee, and set your body up for yet another day of fat storage by spiking your blood sugar rapidly.

Choose These Toppings

There are healthy alternatives to sugar-laden toppings. Here are a few of them:

Use sugar-free rice, hemp or almond milk. You can also use coconut milk or cream, if you’re looking for a richer texture.

Stevia, xylitol, erythritol, raw honey or maple syrup are your best bet. Use one teaspoon at a time and always keep the sugar to a minimum.

The healthiest toppings you can choose are coconut shavings, cocoa powder and cinnamon (you’ll be pleasantly surprised). Get creative!

Bad Coffee, Bad Side effects

Is your morning coffee leaving you with headaches, an upset stomach and shaky hands? A hidden substance contained in up to 92% of all green coffee beans may be responsible for this – mycotoxins. Mycotoxins are microscopic toxic molds that form due to poor storage, transportation and roasting of coffee beans. In plain English: Cheap coffee will give you more side effects.So if you prepare your coffee at home and want to settle for the best, here’s what I recommend:

  • If you can afford it, buy coffee from local coffee shops where the snobby connoisseurs hang out (I’m one of them – guilty!). As a general rule, the better coffee tastes, the fresher and the less toxic it is.
  • Go organic. This way, you’ll avoid all the pesticides contained in regular coffee.
  • The coffee I personally drink every morning – which makes me energized without the usual stomach cramps and shaky hands – is the Bulletproof Coffee , developed by Dave Asprey, a genius entrepreneur and bio hacker. This coffee does not only tastes great – it contains no mycotoxins or pesticides and will make you feel awesome.
If  You Prefer Decaf...

Look for coffee that has been decaffeinated using a “Swiss Water Process”. Unlike all other decaffeination methods that simply mix coffee with toxic solvents, this method leaves no undesired chemicals behind.
Beware: even if it says “Naturally Decaffeinated” on the container, it may be chemically decaffeinated. When in doubt, contact the manufacturer.


--> Coffee may help you burn more fat, but primarily because it can improve the intensity of your workouts.

--> Never drink coffee after a workout. It will slow down your fat burning and impair your recovery.

--> If you're very sensitive to caffeine, pregnant or can't live without your coffee, I highly suggest you drink less of it.

--> Drink your coffee black or use healthy toppings in moderation. If you do not like it, get used to it.

--> Quality coffee that has been roasted and ground very recently will give you less side effects than cheap coffee.