The Truth About Condiments

The Truth About Condiments

What are fries without ketchup?

Burgers without toppings?

And what about your BLT sandwich without mayo or mustard?

They’re bland.
That’s where condiments come in… to save the day and make everything tasty. But be warned… while they’re busy fixing the taste of your favorite meals, the same condiments are adding a boatload of calories and nasty ingredients behind your back.
Let’s say that an adult eating the average 2,000 daily calories uses these condiments in a day:

  • 2 tbsp. ketchup with eggs in the morning
  • 2 tbsp. ranch salad dressing with a salad for lunch, plus 2 tbsp. of mayo in a sandwich
  • 2 tbsp. cream cheese on whole wheat crackers as a snack
  • 4 tbsp. guacamole for dinner, plus 2 tbsp. whipped cream to top off berries at night

That’s a whopping 591 extra calories worth of conditments in a single day – 30% of that person’s daily calories! Calories made of high fructose corn syrup, trans fat-laden vegetable oil and inflammatory pasteurised dairy. Not good. And remember that this number could have been way higher. After all, who really takes the time to portion control condiments to the very tablespoon?

Now, how can you avoid that condiment trap and still make your meals tasty?