Craving Killer #6: Eat The Right Nutrients

The Cravings solution - Craving Killer #6: Eat The Right Nutrients

“ It’s not rocket science… simply eat the right foods. Okay, maybe this gets a little bit more complicated... – Me “

Eating real food is the first step (read this article). Now, let’s look at some macros and micronutrients that can help curb your appetite and kill your cravings.

Eat More Fat

Fat is one of the most efficient energy sources available, and a proven appetite suppressant. In one study, researchers proved that women who ate a high-fat yogurt ended up consuming fewer total calories than those who ate a low-fat snack. Also – according to very influential researchers like Dr. Paul Jaminet, cravings for sweets could hide the fact that our body craves healthy fats. Avocados, coconut products (milk, oil, etc.), grass-fed butter, eggs and fatty meats are all good sources of healthy fats.

Eat More Protein
Protein is also a very efficient appetite suppressant. A high protein diet increases the hormone known as peptide YY (PYY) – which aids fat loss and curbs appetite. Protein is less calorie dense than fat, so a protein snacks like eggs, beef jerky, hummus or meat leftovers are your best bet to curb your appetite.

Eat More Omega-3 And Less Omega-6
The optimal omega-6 to 3 ratio is anywhere between 2.3:1 to 1:1, but it goes as high as 25:1 in favor of omega-6 in the U.S. Because a balanced intake of these essential fatty acids can help with appetite regulation, make sure to :

  • Ditch vegetable oils (full of omega-6, hidden trans fat and other nasty stuff)
  • Eat nuts and seeds in moderation (just a handful per serving)
  • Eat more wild-caught fish and grass-fed meats (both great sources of omega-3)
  • Use a high quality omega-3 supplement high in DHA and EPA if needed (like Athletics Greens® Omega3)

Eat More Vitamins And Minerals :

Nutrient deficiencies can increase your appetite and cravings. Eat more real food, and you’ll avoid most of the problems. That being said, the sad truth is that our food is less nutritious than it used to be:

  • You would have to eat eight oranges today to get the same amount of vitamin A your grandparents got from a single orange 50 years ago
  • The amount of minerals in veggies dropped by up to 38% across the board in the last few decades 

For that reason, I recommend taking a food-based greens supplement like Athletics Greens® to prevent any nutritional deficiency.


--> Fat and protein curb your appetite than carbs, so your snacks should include a combination of the first two.


--> Optimizing your omega-6 to 3 ratio with food or a high quality supplement will help you curb your appetite.


--> Nutritional deficiencies can increase your appetite. Eat plenty of veggies and fruits, and supplement if needed.