Craving Killer #5: Eat Real Food

The Cravings solution - Craving Killer #5: Eat Real Food

“ If everyone ate nothing but what they could buy at a farmers’ market, a lot of doctors and hospitals would go out of business and six-pack abs would be as common a sight as leaves on a tree. – Jason Ferruggia, world-renowned strength coach “

 Well said, Jay.
Let me add something else: The best appetite suppressant is real food. I’m talking about whole, unprocessed, 1-ingredient foods like fruits, veggies, nuts, eggs, coconut oil, beans, meat and fish. If you want to kill your cravings, these are your best allies, and for a lot of reasons…

Real Food Regulates Hunger
Because hunger (satiety) is never really satisfied before nutrients reach your intestinal wall,foods that are more nutritious are automatically more filling.

Real Food Is Less Calorie Dense
Processed versions of common foods are almost always more calorie dense. As an example, 100 g of potato chips will pack more than 563 calories , while 100 g of baked potatoes will only contain 93 calories.

Real Food Regulates Hormones

As you learned so far, hormones like leptin and insulin have huge effects on appetite and cravings. The more you eat the right foods and avoid sugary processed foods, the more you’ll keep everything under control.

Two Cravings Triggers To avoid
If you struggle with cravings, always avoid aspartame and MSG (monosodium glutamate). Aspartame has been shown to increase hunger and promote fat gain, while MSG is a food additive designed by the food industry that’s proven to increase your appetite and make you hungry faster.


--> Eat more real foods and less man-made foods to reduce your hunger and cravings – and make you leaner in the process.

--> Avoid aspartame and MSG, both shown to increase hunger and cause a boatload of other undesirable side effects including fat gain.