Will The 4 Cycle Solution Help Me Lose Weight?

The hard truth is that there if no book, guide, pill, method, technique, etc. that will help you lose weight if you do not apply yourself. These methods only work, if you work them. The key word is effort. That’s what will help you lose weight.

Are you willing to put in the effort? Are you willing to walk the talk? To do what you need to do when the pedal hits the metal and the rubber meets the road?

Yes? Good! Then the 4 Cycle Solution will definitely help you to lose weight fast and furious, if you apply the tips, techniques, plans and advice in the program.

Shaun Hadsall’s latest product has helped thousands of people lose weight fast and reach their goals of a healthier, fitter and better body. The glowing testimonials are proof that his methods work if you follow them.

Unlike most other fitness guides and eBooks which deal with the subject of weight loss, The 4 Cycle Fat Loss Solution has devoted almost 80 percent of its focus on the diet. You are taught nutrient combinations, nutrient timings and other diet factors that are not known to most people.

This is perhaps the greatest strength of the program. Successful weight loss depends on a healthy and sensible diet and it is not the usual diet tips that most books recommend. The common knowledge found in most books is often outdated based on old studies. For example, many weight loss books will suggest whole meal bread as a healthy option. Shaun shows that this is wrong and it sabotages your efforts.

To lose weight, it is commonly assumed that one needs to do hours of mind numbing cardio, mix in some resistance training and just make minimal changes to the diet since the cardio will fix any dietary issues.

This is totally the opposite of what they should do.  A huge part of successful weight loss depends on changes in your diet. Then, you need to throw in some weight training into the mix. Finally, you need to do just a bit of cardio. Not hours of pointless panting. This runs contrary to most advice… But it definitely holds true.

Shaun’s 4 Cycle Program contains a week plan that will teach your body how to access and burn its fat stores. He will show you common mistakes that people make when eating. For example, eating a carbohydrate and a fat at the same time is a huge mistake just like eating a carb on its own. This is cutting edge dietary advice that most trainers or ‘experts’ in the industry are not even aware of.

Small changes make a huge difference when accrued over a period of time. The knowledge gained from the Fat Loss Solution will help anybody interested in weight loss to achieve fast, sustainable results.

Just like any program on the market, the 4 Cycle Solution is not perfect. It does have 1 small flaw. The first week of the program is known as a carb depletion cycle. It lasts 7 days and involves consuming minimal carbs for 7 days. You only get to eat more carbs on the last day. The reason this is a flaw is because it is difficult to do and requires determination and sacrifice.

The sacrifice is definitely worth it because your body will learn how to burn its fat instead of sugars. Once this happens, you will lose weight much faster.
Once you conquer the first week, the remaining 3 weeks are a piece of cake. It all depends on your determination. Are you willing to put up with some discomfort for a week to see the body you have always wanted? Is your desire to shed the awful fat strong enough to overcome your mild discomfort of not eating carbohydrates for a week?

Will Carb Cycling Help Me To Become Muscular and Lean?

Definitely. Carb cycling when done correctly is one of the best ways to trim off the fat and retain your muscle mass. Many men are constantly looking for a way to burn off fat and gain muscle at the same time.

Carb cycling is the answer. The worry that most men have is that they will lose muscle mass along with their fat. This is true with conventional dieting and other fat loss methods. However, since carb cycling involves both caloric deficit and surplus, you will be able to do both, gain muscle and lose fat. 

The traditional way bodybuilders used to get muscular was to have a bulking and cutting phase. During the bulking phase, they would eat as much calories as possible. They'd get muscular but they'd also get fat. During the cutting phase, they'd try and lose the fat and hold on to as much muscle as they could. Often, they lose a lot of muscle too. A waste of time and effort.

Carb cycling enables one to do both at once. There are 2 phases to carb cycling. The low carb phase and the high carb phase. On days of intense, heavy training, you will have a high carb intake. This will ensure that your body has fuel to workout hard. You will also allow your body to recover since the carbs will be used in muscle recovery.

During your off days, your carb intake will be minimal. This will ensure that your insulin levels are stable. The caloric deficit that you are in will create a fat burning environment in your body. You can also consume healthy fats during your off days.

It is never a good idea to eat your carbs and fats at the same time. The carbs will cause insulin spike in your body. If there are fats present during the insulin spike, the conditions for fat storage in the body are ideal. You definitely want to avoid this.

On your high carb days, you want your workouts to be intense and heavy. Lift the heavier weights, perform the compound movements and create an oxygen deficit. Your workouts should ideally last from 45 minutes to not longer than an hour.

On your low carb days, you may engage in low intensity cardio such as slow jog or walk. This will keep your body active and in fat burning mode constantly.
The key point to note is that your weekly calorie intake must be maintained. If you can only consume 16, 000 calories per week to lose a pound of fat per week, you'll need to stick to this number.

Then assuming you have 3 intense workout days per week, your daily calorie intake during each of these 3 days will be about 300 to 600 calories more than a low carb day.

The Secrets of Carb Cycling for Fast Fat Loss

Carb cycling is a method that many fitness models and professional athletes use to trim off their body fat and get into shape. It is a highly effective tool for losing fat fast. Yet, most people who are struggling to lose weight have no idea about this method. They spend countless hours on the treadmill or pounding the tracks only to see measly results.

Carb cycling requires one to adopt a cyclic ketogenic diet. That's a big term but it simply means that you will be on a low carbohydrate diet for a few days and then shock your body with periods of intermediate or high carbohydrate meals.

This is perfect for boosting metabolism, accelerating fat loss and giving the body the energy it needs to engage in high-intensity exercise, which will in turn boost metabolism and burn even more fat.

Unlike conventional diets such as the Atkins diet, Lemonade diet, or other fad diets, carb cycling is a method that can be adopted as a way of life. It is not highly restrictive and does not place undue stress on a person the way strict diets do.

In fact, carb cycling has seen a surge in popularity lately and one of the best guides on the market is "The 4 Cycle Solution" by Shaun Hadsall. It covers the topic in depth and helps people shorten the learning curve and avoid the common carb cycling mistakes.

The 4 main mistakes that most people who are starting off on a carb cycling routine make involve proper food choices, nutrient timing, nutrient combinations and nutrition portion control.

If you are constantly eating the wrong foods, you are going to see minimal results or in some cases, negative results. That is going to be real depressing because everyone hopes to see positive results with effort expended. Or else, it's all pointless right? So, eating the correct foods really matters.

The next mistake is in the timing. Eating your carbs and proteins at the wrong times will impact you negatively.For example, consuming your carbs late in the day is not going to help you. The best time to consume your carbs is early in the day. This will give your body sufficient time to burn it off.

Nutrient combinations are another factor that many people are not even aware of. If you are not combining your proteins, carbs and fats in the correct manner, your body will not be in a fat burning mode. Now, all this may sound complicated to the normal person but it's quite simple. An example would be to combine your carbs with a protein food so that you do not spike your blood sugar and raise insulin levels. This is crucial.

The fourth mistake is portion control. You need to consume the correct amounts of carbs, proteins and fats daily. You should have balance and the diet must consist of all the required nutrients. By consuming too much of any one nutrient, you will be throwing your diet off balance and impact your fat loss journey negatively. 

All these often seem overwhelming to a beginner. There seems to be so many rules, conditions and it's information overload. However, this is just an illusion. Carb cycling is a simple process with only a few rules. Eat the right foods at the right time and in the right quantities. That's it.

The problem arises when you look at information from too many contradicting sources. It would be best to just get your advice from one reliable source that has proven itself. You may wish to check out The 4 Cycle Fat Loss guide. It's one of the best out there.

The Best Way to Train While Carb Cycling

Carb cycling involves staggering periods of low carb consumption with a high carb day or days. During the low carb days, the body’s insulin levels and blood sugar levels will be stable and low. This is ideal for fat burning. 

After a few days of being on a low carb diet, the body’s metabolism will naturally start to dip. That’s when you incorporate a high carb day to shock the body and get the metabolism roaring again. This will result in accelerated fat loss without reaching at fat loss plateaus.

There is a way to train if you are carb cycling. This is crucial to successful weight loss. If you train wrongly, you’ll sabotage your success. Many beginners and even a few advanced athletes who adopt carb cycling follow their old methods of training and suffer as a result.

During a low carb period, you will want to avoid excessive cardio. It is true that cardio burns fat. However, cardio requires your body to have carbs. It will burn these carbs as fuel. When you’re on a low carb diet, your body will start burning precious muscle for fuel. This is detrimental since you need muscle mass to burn calories.

Furthermore, your metabolism will drop drastically and your fat burning process will halt.

During your low carb days, you may engage in low cardio such as a walk or slow jog. Do not push it. You do not want to be panting and gasping. Just nice to break a light sweat. It is also recommended that you engage in resistance training during the low carb days. This will ensure that you retain your precious muscle, burn some calories and keep your metabolism up.

On the high carb day, you want your training to be intense. Consume pure, natural carbs about an hour before you train. Then, engage in resistance training or high intensity interval training. After the workout, consume more carbs. This will ensure that your muscles have glycogen and fuel. Your metabolism will shoot up and you will be in fat burning mode.

Keep your workouts to about 45 minutes and not longer. During these 45 minutes, give it your all and sweat like your life depended upon it. Use heavier weights and less rest time between sets. 

The key point to note during the high carb day is to only consume clean, natural carbs and combine your carbs with a protein to reduce the insulin spike in your body. Also, your calorie intake for a high carb day should not exceed 600 to 700 calories than your maintenance amount.

You can check out your calorie requirements by visiting http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm

There are many more ways to get the best results from carb cycling. However, the best place to get those tips and tricks would be to visit The 4 Cycle Fat Loss website. It is one of the leading websites on this topic and the creator, Shaun Hadsall, is a true master at getting people who shed the stubborn fat quick and easy with carb cycling.

The 3 Pillars of Weight Loss You Really Must Know

Obesity is on the rise all over the world. The reasons for this are poor food choices and a lack of information regarding fat loss. Sure, everyone knows that you need to eat less and exercise more but that is not enough.

Every single day, thousands of people quit exercising, going to the gym, eating right and just give up on their fat loss goals. They do this because they do not see results fast enough or in some cases, they have no results. This can be very disheartening.

They are not entirely to blame because there are many things about the food that we eat that has changed over the last 50 years. Processed foods and even fresh foods are not what they used to be. A lot of false advertising and a lack of proper information have led to misconceptions about weight loss.

Ask most people if milk is good for you and they will say yes. Well, guess what? It’s not. Milk bought from a supermarket is unhealthy and causes all kinds of health issues. The idea that milk is good for the bones and teeth is outdated. Nowadays, you do more damage to your health by drinking it than by not drinking it.

There is an excellent guide called, The 4 Cycle Fat Loss Solution. It is written by a health expert, Shaun Hadsall, who really knows what he is talking about. His book has sold thousands of copies and there are many testimonials from people all over the world who have lost weight with his advice.

In his book, Shaun, states that there are 3 pillars to fat loss. They are food timing, food combinations and portion control. If you are getting any of these 3 pillars wrong, you will be impeding your fat loss and will not lose fat easily.

Food timing is crucial. If you are eating at all the wrong times, your body’s blood sugar levels will go up causing insulin spikes. This is very detrimental to fat loss since you can’t lose weight if your insulin levels are high. You want to have a stable insulin level throughout the day and only spike it up after workouts when it’s beneficial to your body.

Food combination is another factor to consider. Many people do not realize that eating the wrong types of food together causes weight gain. For example, consuming a fat and a carb at the same time is more detrimental than consuming a fat with a protein or a carb with a protein. Even if the calories are the same, the way they affect your blood sugar levels differ. So, you need to be aware of that.

Portion control is something else we should always be aware of. Eating the correct portions of the different macro nutrients will ensure that you have energy, good health and have fat loss benefits at the same time. Get this wrong and you will only get fatter.

There is a lot more to these 3 points but that is beyond the scope of this article. However, you must bear in mind that losing weight fast and efficiently is much more than hours of cardio or starving yourself. Do visit Shaun’s website - The 4 Cycle Solution to learn more tips and tricks to accelerate fat loss and leave you looking great and fit.

Teach Your Body to Burn Fat with Carb Depletion

One of the major reasons people do not reach their full potential when it comes to fat loss is due to a broken metabolism. Most people are not even aware that they have a broken metabolism.

So what causes a broken metabolism?

Inconsistent weight loss attempts, an unhealthy diet, yo-yo dieting, very low calorie diets, etc. are just a few ways to affect your metabolism negatively. Once this happens, your body will NOT lose weight easily and it will seem like a real uphill struggle just to lose the extra pounds.
If your body is not working with you, then it's working against you. Why?

Simple. You will only lose weight and see a visible difference in your body if your body burns its fat stores for energy. It needs to use your fat as fuel.
However, with a broken metabolism the body constantly burns food and sugars as a primary energy source. When this happens, your fat loss progress is stagnant. You can't lose weight if your body will not access its fat stores.

This can be very depressing and demotivating.

There is a way to heal and fix the body's metabolic process. Shaun Hadsall, recommended an excellent way to deplete all the carbs in your body so that it immediately accesses its fat stores for fuel. You can see the complete method at his website, The 4 Cycle Fat Loss Solution.

The whole carb depletion plan lasts a week and during this one week, carbs will be kept to a bare minimum. You will be consuming mostly proteins and fats from certain specific foods. Shaun goes into much greater detail about how to combine these macro nutrients and what times to consume them.

For example, you never want to consume a carb and a fat at the same time. This creates the highest potential for fat storage. Most people are not aware of this and sabotage their efforts without even knowing it. Knowledge is the key to success and without sufficient knowledge, you’ll probably fail or not reach your full potential.

When your body is depleted of carbs, usually your insulin levels will be stable and low. This is ideal for fat loss. Your body cannot burn fat if the blood sugar is high and there are high levels of insulin in the body.

Shaun's method puts the body in fat burning mode in the shortest period of time. The week of carb depletion is not easy. It takes discipline and determination. However, once you have crossed the 1 week, you will be dropping the fat so fast you'll be amazed.

Carb depletion is definitely a method anybody serious about dieting should consider. The exact details, nutrient timings and food combinations are essential information for you to deplete your carbs effectively.

Your best source of information is Shaun's website. Going into the details is beyond the scope of this article. So, if you wish to fix your body's broken metabolism and burn fat faster, visit The 4 Cycle Fat Loss Solution website and learn how to do it.

Is Carb Cycling Suitable For Women?

There are several misconceptions about fitness, fat loss and resistance training. Women often consider resistance training a ‘man thing’. Grunting and lifting heavy weights if for huge, smelly and muscly guys. Similarly, other concepts such as carb cycling is for men while fad diets at the local health store, are better for women is quite prevalent.

Infomercials on television also target women specifically for certain special products that are more effective for women, or diets that are better for women, etc. All this has led to the belief that women and men need to do different things for weight loss. Men will hit the weights while women will join group dance or kickboxing classes, etc.

The fact of the matter is that when it comes to weight loss, the same principles apply to men and women. Caloric deficits, a good carb cycling plan, resistance training and a reasonable amount of cardio will be equally beneficial to both sexes.

Resistance training has the same benefits for women as it does for men. They will get more toned and look better. No amount of cardio can give a woman the healthy, lean and toned look that resistance training can. There is no need to worry that a woman will get too muscular. Men themselves struggle to gain mass. What a woman will get is a lean, healthy and shapely body. So, resistance training is good.

Next is cardio. That’s great for both sexes too. However, you do not want to overdo it. Fat loss can be achieved without hours of mind numbing cardio. Sure, cardio is essential for cardiovascular health and it does have fat burning effects. However, most of the fat will be lost through carb cycling and resistance training.

This is why women should start adopting carb cycling as a way of life in order to shed the excess fat and stay slim. It may sound like a big concept with the word ‘cycling’ in it. Almost similar to words like ‘stacking’ and ‘hypertrophy’. However, carb cycling is a really simple concept.

You just consume a diet low in carbs for a few days and then follow it up with a high carb day. That’s it. If you do it correctly, you will find yourself losing weight surely and steadily without suffering too much. Of course, there will be some sacrifices involved. You will not be able to eat processed carbs on most days, and even on a high carb day, it is recommended to stick to clean carbs.

Many women have difficulty with this since they love sweet foods like chocolates, cake and candy. However, if you have the determination to minimize the consumption of these foods and adopt a carb cycling diet, you will see rapid fat loss and look gorgeous.

There are women from all over the world who have reaped the benefits of carb cycling. You can see their testimonials at The 4 Cycle website. It is dedicated to carb cycling and losing weight without resorting to crazy methods. This is a sustainable way to keep the pounds off and keep you looking great without driving you insane. You definitely will benefit from the tips at The 4 Cycle Solution.