What If Dessert Could Help You Lose Weight ?

It can. And it will.
Now, you could choose to eat any dessert during your weekly treat meal and be done with it. But once sugary, chemical-laden desserts become a frequent habit, fat gain is just around the corner. To prepare dessert you can eat more frequently and that you know gives your body essential nutrients; you simply need to cook smarter. Smarter ingredients, smarter recipes, smarter methods – but all while keeping the taste to a maximum. Thankfully, you don’t have to spend hours in the kitchen testing out, refining and tweaking recipes to do so. I’m so obsessed with developing the perfect fat burning desserts . All that’s left to do is to follow the proven recipes, and enjoy these mouth-watering desserts..guilt-free.

7 Huge Problems With Most “Healthy” Desserts

1. Too much sugar

Some recipes might appear healthy, when in reality they’re not any healthier than the store-bought stuff. A good example is recipes calling for 1-2 cups of honey for just a couple servings of dessert. Look – even if honey is a natural sweetener, it’s still almost pure sugar. A real fat burning recipe should contain no added sugar – so you won’t find any in my recipes .

2. Wrong ingredients

I still see so-called “healthy eating” blogs recommending terrible ingredients like canola oil or aspartame. Bad, bad choices. There are a lot of healthier alternatives to these fattening ingredients, and they aren’t as hard to find as you may think.

3. Too much work

A perfect dessert should be healthy, but also very easy to prepare. If a recipe has more than 10 steps and requires me to spend the entire day in the kitchen… I’ll ditch it. Don’t get me wrong. I do love cooking. But I also love doing other things in my spare time than preparing a complex triple-layered cake with fancy decorations.

4. Where’s the taste?

I like the idea of preparing dessert with healthier ingredients, but if my favorite dessert ends up tasting like sand or having a metallic aftertaste, I simply don’t see the point of eating it. My perfect fat burning desserts have been tweaked and tested until I’ve found the perfect match between the right ingredients and the best taste possible.

5. What the hell is that thing?

Some healthy recipes ask for weird ingredients that are hard to find, and end up looking disgusting when you prepare them. Not something I would serve my guests. My recipes do ask for ingredients you’ll probably have to buy online, but will always look and taste amazing – making your guests ask for the recipe every single time! Also, I’ve only included recipes derived from the most popular desserts in America – not weird desserts that no one will even want to taste.

6. Obscene serving sizes

So you just prepared a cake that could serve 20 people. Now what? Will you eat cake for the entire next week and sabotage your fat loss – or will you have the willpower necessary to throw it away in regret? Dessert recipes need to be prepared in limited quantities, because keeping dessert around all week long is guaranteed to trigger your cravings and make you go overboard.

7. Where are the pictures?

A recipe artilce without pictures… are you kidding me? According to a survey done in the UK, 10% of people preparing a recipe need a clear picture to avoid confusion. In reality, I think everyone needs those pictures to understand what their recipe is supposed to look like, and how it should be served. After all, science proves that the way our food looks determines its taste to some degree.The high quality pictures in my articles alone will please your taste buds.

How Often Can I Eat Dessert?

It depends on a lot of factors. If you’re trying to burn fat fast, skipping dessert altogether except for your weekly treat meal(s) might be the best idea. Or, at least make sure that the amount of dessert you’re eating fits your daily calorie needs. Because they contain all the right ingredients, these perfect desserts won’t trigger fat storage or hinder your fat loss like other desserts do. But keep in mind that dessert will never replace your staple fat burning foods like veggies, fruits, meats, fish, eggs, nuts and seeds. If – on the other hand – you’re trying to build muscle, you can always adapt recipes to include more protein powder in them. My #1 recommended brand is BioTrust, simply because this high-quality cold-processed whey protein is sweetened naturally and has the most addicting taste of all protein powders I’ve ever came across – a must when preparing tasty dessert.

You can grab it here: BioTrust Low Carb™