Is Carb Cycling Better Than a Low Calorie Diet?

This article will definitely answer that question. However, before that, we need to understand the differences, advantages and disadvantages of both these methods.

Most people know that in order to lose weight, they need to eat less and exercise more. Basically, they need to be at a caloric deficit to lose weight since the body will seek out its fat stores for energy.

Of course, the simplest way to create a calorie deficit is to eat less. The advantage of this is that results will be seen pretty quickly. That is usually the only advantage.

The disadvantages are many. Firstly, anybody hoping to lose weight should aim at a 500 calorie deficit daily. This will result in a loss of 1 pound per week. The problem arises when dieters cut their calories drastically. A 1000 calorie deficit is not beneficial.

When you cut your calories drastically, your body goes into starvation mode and stops burning fat since it's trying to preserve fat for future use. Consequently, your metabolism drops too and that means your body stops burning fat effectively. These negative effects cause what is known as weight plateaus. The body is in shock.

Secondly, there is a limit as to how many calories you can cut. Nobody can survive on 10 calories a day! So, beyond a certain point you cannot lower your calories. What if you still have fat? Tough luck.

You'll have to do more cardio and resistance training to raise your metabolism. This will be a tough feat due to the low calorie consumption.
Now, let's look at carb cycling. This is a very effective method of losing fat that is far superior to just cutting calories. The only disadvantage is that it requires more attention to detail and effort.

The carb cycling method involves a very low carbohydrate diet for a few days followed by a high carbohydrate diet on a day when there is an intense training session.

The number of low carb days could vary from 3 to 5 depending on the weight of the person. You will still consume calories at a deficit of 500 calories. However, most of the calories you consume will be protein and fats.

Don't worry. Contrary to popular belief, eating fat does not make you fat. Most often, it's the carbs that are the culprit.
On a low carb diet, similar to a low calorie diet, the body will slowly start to go into starvation mode and the lack of carbs will lower the metabolic rate too. That's when the high carb day comes into effect.

Just as the body is slowing down, when you consume carbs on the high carb day, your body is shocked again and your metabolism goes up. Consuming carbs before an intense workout will give your muscles glycogen for an intense session.

Following the workout session with another high carb meal will shuttle nutrients to the muscles. All these will put your body in fat burning mode again. Unlike a low carb diet where everything goes downhill, with carb cycling, your body gets a boost.

You will now burn fat again for the next few low carb days, till the next high carb day. The cycle repeats itself and you lose weight fast and effectively.
To learn the best tips on Carb Cycling, there is an excellent online resource you may check out. It’s called the 4 Cycle Fat Loss Solution. You may visit the website and discover how you can burn off your fat quickly and easily without starving yourself.