Four Fitness Tips For Busy Moms

Four Fitness Tips for Busy Moms

Being a mom can be an exercise routine in itself, but it's great for your body and your mind if you can find some time in your busy schedule to exercise a little every day. Exercise is a great stress buster and if you're having one of those days taking a time out of 15 minutes to get your adrenalin pumping can really help to calm your nerves.

If you're wondering how on earth you're supposed to find any time in the day for yourself then hopefully the following strategies will help.

1. Make a date

I bet your calendar or diary is full of play dates and appointments, important events that you need to keep track of and dedicate time to each week. Exercise is an important event so why not schedule some time in your diary for the week ahead so you know when you're going to take the time to work out.

2. Ask for help

Even super mommies need help sometimes, that's what partners, friends and family members are for. Tell them that you need to make time for yourself to work out and ask them to watch the little ones for you. You'll be surprised how eager other people are to spend time with your kids if you just ask for help!

3. Roll with the punches

Life never pans out as we want it to, and some days you just might find that the day disappears into an abyss of cranky babies, illness or mounds of washing. Those are the days when instead of heading out for a run you might just need to play Wii games with your children, or kick a ball around in the garden. If your 'official' exercise plan gets knocked off balance for the day just do something else to be active instead, and pick up where you left off tomorrow.

4.  Remember every little bit helps

In your days before children you might have spent an hour a day working out in the gym, but as a busy mom you might never get a whole hour to yourself. That's okay though, fifteen minutes of focused movement a day adds up over the course of the week so don't dismiss the opportunities thinking they're not worth the effort.