How Exercising Your Willpower Can Help You Get Fit and Healthy

How Exercising Your Willpower Can Help You Get Fit and Healthy

How many times have you decided that you're finally going to do what it takes to lose weight and get healthy? On January 1 when you write your New Year's Resolutions? Just before the summer when you want to look great in a swim suit? Just after that vacation when you see the photographs of you in a swimsuit? 

Deciding to get fit and healthy is the easy decision, that's why we all make it so often. But making it actually happen takes willpower, and research has shown that this important ingredient is actually in short supply.

Ever started the day with the good intention that on the way home from work you'll go to the gym? But then it's someone's birthday and they bring in the most amazing looking cakes and it takes all of your willpower to resist them. By the time you start that journey home you're physically ready to work out at the gym, but your mind is exhausted and you just can't face it. It's not a lack of discipline on your part, you've just used up your supply of willpower for the day.

But don't worry, it is possible to improve your levels of willpower and self control by following a few research-proven strategies.

1. Give your willpower a work out

Research has shown that willpower is like a muscle, which means you can train it to get stronger by using it more often.

You can train your willpower by regularly watching funny movies and forcing yourself not to laugh, or sad movies and forcing yourself not to cry. Or you could make it a daily practice to squeeze a stress ball until it hurts and then hold onto it for as long as you can. It might sound strange but when a group of volunteers gave this a try when they were trying to stop smoking they were twice as successful at kicking the habit than the control group who didn't practice their self control daily.

2. Stick to one change at a time

Now you know that willpower is limited it makes sense to just make one change at a time. If you've decided that to lose weight you need to change the way you eat and start exercising you might get overwhelmed and give up. Instead pick one change, like working out for 15 minutes a day, and see it through for 30 days before adding in the next one.

3. Don't try and eat the whole elephant

Have you ever heard that saying: "How do you eat an elephant? One elephant burger at a time!"? Well that's what you need to keep in mind when setting out your goals. Telling yourself you want to lose 15 pounds might sound specific, but it also sounds like a big scary number. Take that goal and make it smaller, turn it into an elephant burger. How will you lose 15 pounds? Perhaps you'll get off the bus one stop earlier, or you'll start taking the stairs at work, or you'll take the kids to the park for a game of soccer at the weekends. Every time you achieve one of these smaller goals you'll bolster your confidence and boost your willpower.

4. Have a good laugh

Another way to boost your willpower is to do something that makes you happy and raises your spirits. Watch a funny movie, hand out with friends who make you laugh, dance around the room with no one watching. Just do something that will make you feel good and you'll boost your self-control.

5. Hit the orange juice

Who would have thought that a glass of orange juice could help you meet your weight loss goals! Researchers have reported that exercising self-restraint can reduce your blood glucose levels which then diminishes your willpower. A nice glass of orange juice will give your blood a much needed energy boost.