The Truth About Carbs - Bread

The Truth About Carbs - Bread

Bread is one of the oldest prepared foods – it has been around for more than 30,000 years. But very recently in human history, it has been shunned by dieters all around the world. Are these “bread haters” just angry or is bread fattening to the point you should NEVER eat it?

White Bread Is Sugar

There’s no better way to say this – white bread basically has the same effect on your blood sugar as pure sugar. This doesn’t mean you should NEVER eat it. But don’t get fooled into thinking you’re eating “healthy bread” when you’re consuming this amalgam of

  • Refined flour that has been stripped of all fiber and nutrition.
  • Sugar and high fructose corn syrup.
  • Refined vegetable oil (contains trans fat).
  • Refined salt.
  • Processed soy protein.
  • Synthetic vitamins.
  • Artificial coloring and flavoring.
  • Potassium bromate – a dough conditioner banned in 
  • Europe, Canada, and many other countries.
  • Azodicarbonamide – another dough conditioner considered safe in the US at up to 45 parts per million, but still banned from use in Europe because studies showed it could cause asthma or allergic reactions.

Whole Grains Are Smarter

Whole grain bread won’t spike your blood sugar as much as white bread, and generally contains more fiber, protein and nutrients. However, here are some reasons why you could choose to limit your bread consumption altogether:

  • Bread is very hard to portion control, especially the dreaded bread basket in most restaurants
  • A lot of people digest better and lose weight faster when avoiding gluten and grains
  • Bread can be a trigger food for a lot of people and make you overindulge on other foods

Sprouted Grain bread Is Genius

Sprouted grain bread contains up to 8X more vitamin A, B and C, as well as essential minerals than regular whole wheat bread. Bonus, the sprouting process reduces the amount of antinutrients and gluten that both impair digestion.

Don’t Let The Color Fool You!

A survey demonstrated that 66% people think brown bread is better than white bread. Are you one of them? The fact is – 73% of all breads in the US are made with refined flour. A lot of brown breads contain MORE refined flour than white breads. Instead of relying on your bread’s color to make a choice, you need to look at the ingredients list.

Confusing Claims

A lot of claims around grain products have little to no legal definition, and are used to deceive you.

The Truth About Carbs - Bread
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  • White bread is basically white sugar, but in a different form. Eat it as a treat or as a postworkout meal to minimize its fattening effects.
  • Whole grain bread is a better choice, but can still contain all the wrong ingredients. Check the ingredients list carefully.
  • Sprouted grain bread is the best choice. It packs a lot more nutrition than other breads and will curb your appetite better.
  • If gluten is a problem for you, stick with gluten-free bread.