The Truth About Protein - Soy Products

The Truth About Protein - Soy Products

Touted as “healthy”, “cholesterol-reducing” and a “miracle food”, soy looks like the perfect dieter-friendly food and a great alternative to dairy products or even meat. Meanwhile, dozens of health & fitness authorities claim it’s not a fat-burning food…but why?

Soy Is a Health Food

According To Surveys

  • Over 84% of American consumers perceive soy products as healthy, and a survey shows that 37% of them consume soy products at least once a month
  • Consumers rank soybean oil among the top four healthy oils, with 69% recognizing soy oil as healthy oil.
  • On an unaided basis, consumers most frequently mention the following specific health benefits of soy: hearthealthy, low in fat, source of protein, good for you and cholesterol-lowering.
  • This huge appeal to consumers skyrocketed soy products annual sales to $5.2 billion (dramatic growth followed the FDA approval of a health claim linking soy with heart disease reduction)

Ancient Knowledge & Fat Loss 

Experts Think otherwise…

You might not know this, but the ancient Chinese started using soy as “green manure” – a cover crop plowed under to enrich the soil more than 5,000 years ago.But soy didn’t become human food until later in the Chou Dynasty (1134-246 B.C.), when the Chinese discovered a fermentation process to make soybean paste (miso), soy sauce, natto and tempeh.Why did they wait so long? They simply knew soybeans are not really edible in their raw state. 

Fermentation completely transforms soy and gets rid of most of the antinutrients, allergens and hormone-disrupting compounds found in raw soy beans, replacing those harmful substances with good bacteria, large amounts of vitamin K and other cancer-fighting nutrients that boost your general health.

Soy and Your Hormones

Can soy screw up your hormones and make you fat? The truth is – there’s no clear answer for now. A good amount of studies show that soy may reduce testosterone production and increase prostate cancer risks, while some others show no changes at all. Until more research is done, you’ll have to make your own mind. One thing is sure though:

  • Processed protein and oils
  • made from soybeans or any other source 
  • won’t help you shed the pounds.

#1. Big Problem With Raw Soy: Natural Toxins

Soy is not problematic because it’s artificial in its nature. It’s because this plant contains a lot of natural toxins that are linked to several health conditions, including potentially screwing up your hormonal balance, an important factor of fat loss.

Natural toxins
Impair your digestive system.

Prevent you from absorbing certain minerals.

Enzyme Inhibitors
Hinder protein digestion.

Interfere with your thyroid function and metabolism.

(Isoflavones) genistein and daidzein, which mimic and sometimes block the hormone estrogen.

Causes red blood cells to clump together and inhibits oxygen take-up and growth.

#2. Big Problem With Raw Soy: Processing

Most raw products go through heavy high temperature processing. This is the case with most processed foods, this manufacturing is done without big concerns about keeping the protein quality intact or the final product free of contaminants.

Your average soy product may contain:

  • Heavy metals that could lead to serious health problems
  • Cheap protein that’s been refined to the point it’s rendered useless
  • Added fattening ingredients like sugar, artificial sweeteners, and synthetic vitamins

#3. Big Problem With Raw Soy: Quantities

You probably consume a lot more soy than you think. Most food products these days contain soy in the form of soy protein or soybean oil, which constitutes around of the average American’s daily calories. That’s a lot of soy.

#4. Big Problem With Raw Soy: GMOs

At least 91% of all soy grown in the US as been genetically modified. While studies linking GMOs with health problems and gut flora destruction are still very controversial, the fact is that dozens of countries have already labeled or banned GMOs and are treating this new technology with precaution. Meanwhile, in the US in Canada, it is estimated that 70 % of all food products contain GMOs.

#5. Big Problem With Raw Soy : Allergies

The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America estimates soy is among the nine most common food allergens for pediatric and adult food allergy patients. If you’re allergic to a food – no matter how healthy it can potentially be – eating it will increase inflammation in your body, which means longer recovery from exercise and potentially more fat storage. And if you think this doesn’t apply to you, it may be the case very soon: many experts predict soy will become the 4th most common allergen. The good thing is: fermented soy contains 99% less allergens than raw soy. Another reason to choose the right kind.

Are There Alternatives To Raw Soy?

Yes. Plenty of fermented soy and non-soy products can replace your favorite raw soy products.

The Truth About Protein - Soy Products

Popular Fermented Soy Products

The Truth About Protein - Soy Products


  • --> Soy may screw up your hormones and potentially lead to weight gain, but studies don’t agree on the subject.
  • --> Like it’s the case with other processed foods, any kind of processed soy is to be avoided as much as possible.
  • --> Fermented soy products contain less potentially problematic compounds, more nutrients and less allergens, making them a smarter choice by default for a leaner and healthier body.
  • --> GMO soy may be linked to immune system reduction and gut flora destruction, even though studies don’t agree. I suggest avoiding GMOs by sticking to organic soy.