The Truth About Protein - Nuts

The Truth About Protein - Nuts
They are a staple food for vegans and a very handy snack you can grab everywhere. Can these little treats packed with fat and calories really help you lose weight?

Are Nuts Fattening?

If you don’t go overboard and eat them in moderation, they aren’t. Studies have shown that these nutrient-dense snacks help you burn fat by keeping appetite in control. The bottom line – nuts represent a healthier and smarter snack than any granola bar, crackers or other snack pack out there.

Not all Nuts are equal

Nuts contain very fragile oils, vitamins and minerals that can either be destroyed or rendered useless if they are processed the wrong way:


Unless it’s stated otherwise, chances are that your roasted nuts have been heated to high temperatures when roasted, destroying healthy fats in the process. Still better than most packaged snacks, but could be better.


Raw nuts still have all the goodness you need in them, and their fragile oils are still intact and available to your body.


Soaking nuts reduces the amount of phytic acid and enzymes inhibitors in them, two compounds that prevent your body from absorbing all the nutrients it could. At the same time, the amount of vitamins and minerals in these nuts increases and they become easier to digest.

How To Soak Nuts

Nothing is easier than soaking nuts, except maybe eating them afterwards. Put your nuts in a bowl, cover with water, and wait.
Visit this link for a full tutorial:

How To Soak Nuts

  • After soaking them, you can dry your nuts at a maximum temperature of 150°F (to keep the nutrient content). Use a dehydrator or a regular oven you’ll leave open .
  • If you don’t dry your soaked nuts, consume them within 24 hours.
  • Only raw nuts and seeds can be soaked. Soaking roasted nuts won’t have the same beneficial effects.

The Healthiest Nuts


Pound per pound, they contain more calcium than milk. They’re also agreat source of magnesium, vitamin E, fiber and selenium.


One of the healthiest nuts on the planet. Shown to increase brain function and contribute to heart health.


Shown to normalize cholesterol, and a great source of 20 essential vitamins and minerals.

Brazil Nuts

May aid in the prevention of breast cancer and testosterone production, thanks to the high selenium content.


Rich in copper, magnesium, zinc, iron and biotin, they contain more than 50% oleic acid, a heart-friendly fat also found in olive oil.

Macadamia Nuts

High in protein, fiber, healthy monounsaturated fats, potassium and magnesium. Plus, one of the best tasting nuts out there (according to me and my taste buds!).


+ Roasted and rancid nuts contain inflammatory fats and little nutrition.

+ Snack on fresh, raw nuts; but keep in mind that they are very calorie-dense.

+ To make them stay fresh longer, keep nuts in an air-tight container in the fridge.