Craving Killer #9: Ward Them Off

The Cravings solution - Craving Killer #9: Ward cravings off

“ Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”  – Abraham Lincoln

What the wise Mr. Lincoln meant was: Preparation is key. If you let cravings take control of your life and dictate how you act and feel around food, the battle is over.Instead, I suggest you practice these 5 tricks to shut down cravings as soon as they appear.

Drink A Glass Of Water
Hunger and hydration are closely related. Whenever you find yourself craving something sweet, drink a large glass of water and see if that helps you. If you want to add some taste to your water, add a bit of lemon juice and some stevia.

Modify Your Environment
If you crave bread, why would you keep the bread basket on the table at the restaurant? Bad plan. Ask the waitress to take it away, or you’ll be basically torturing yourself and inevitably increasing your stress. The same thing applies to where you choose to dine out, what kind of food you keep in your fridge and who you hang out with. Set yourself up for success, not for failure.

Eat Something
This may sound silly, but I still see a lot of people who are trying to ward off cravings with their willpower, thinking they are “strong enough” to resist temptations. The more you try to resist, the more you’re tapping into your limited reserves of willpower. Once they are depleted, you’ll feel deprived and weak.

Instead, grab a piece of fruit or a handful of nuts anytime you feel a craving coming up. Studies on dieters’ psychology have proven over and over that eating snacks high in fat and protein like nuts will actually reduce the total amount of calories you eat in a day, even though they are very calorie dense.

Brush Your Teeth
If you’re just opening the fridge and pantry out of sheer boredom, go brush your teeth. This may sound silly, but a lot of people report not having the intention of mixing anything with the taste of their minty Colgate, effectively shutting down their cravings.

Write Your Cravings List
Cravings are often emotional, but trying to rationalize and see the big picture is a good idea. If you grab a coffee at your local Dunkin Donuts and end up getting crazy cravings for your favorite glazed donuts, grab a pen and paper and write down the exact kind you would like to eat. Then, during your weekly treat meal, grab your list of things you crave and choose those that seem the most appealing to you. You might just find yourself thinking that you don’t even crave them anymore.



--> As soon as cravings appear, try drinking a large glass of water, grabbing a quick healthy snack like
nuts and fruits or brushing your teeth to ward them off.

--> Keep a list of foods you crave during the week, and enjoy them when it’s time to have your treat meal.