The Truth About Protein - Other Farm Animals

The Truth About Protein, Fat & Carbs - Other Farm Animals
While beef is often touted as unhealthy and fattening, other meats like the classic skinless chicken breast is considered the perfect fat-burning food. And what about pork or other animals? Let’s take a look at the facts. 

Grain-Fed Chicken = healthy Chicken?

Most chicken packagings show the proud mention: “grain-fed”. The problem is: chickens are omnivores that eat seeds, insects and even small animals – not tons of cheap grains.Like this is the case with beef, chickens fed with this grain diet give meat that is low in omega-3 and high in inflammatory omega-6. 

Banned In Many Countries – Still In Your Pork Chops

Recent tests by Consumer Reports showed appalling levels of contamination in pork products.Out of the 240 samples tested :

1. 20% harboured low levels of the drug ractopamine,banned in the European Union, China, and Taiwan

2. 69 % contained the bacteria yersinia enterocolitica, whichinfects about 100,000 Americans a year, especially children

3. 3 to 7% contained salmonella and other dangerous pathogens.These pathogens increase inflammation and damage your gutflora,a key factor in weight loss.

Summary :

+ Factory raised and grain-fed animals all have a higher risk of containing traces of antibiotics and low levels of omega-3.

+ Pasture-raised animals give meat that contains more fatburning nutrients and less pathogen that damage your gut flora.

+ If you have to eat factory meats, stick with the leanest cuts possible.

+ This idea applies to other animals like lamb, duck, turkey, etc.