4 Step Diet Makeover

4 Step Diet Makeover

“What Diet Are You On?”

In America – where 35% of adults are obese, a number that should be closer to 44% by 2030 – this question is as common as the weather forecast.

On top of the usual Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, South Beach, The Zone, The Biggest Loser and a ton of the popular diets around, hundreds of other fads like the infamous cabbage soup diet or the disgusting lemonade diet appear every day. These diets help some people lose weight and transform their lives; but most of the time, they :

  • Screw up your metabolism because of the extreme restriction
  • Make you gain the weight back (and then some!)
  • Make you lose pounds of water instead of pounds of fat
  • Promote bad relationship with food
  • Make your body deprived and fatigued
  • Do little to help you develop lasting habits
  • Put you on this infernal yo-yo dieting cycle most people spend years on

In ther words: They simply suck.

The word diet doesn’t have to refer to the short 2 months you’re willing to stop eating and start exercising 7 times a week – hoping to get in shape for the beach season or your date next week. “Diet” is what you eat. Period. Do you really need another short-term diet? Definitely not.

What You Need Is a Foolproof  System Only You Can Develop

A customized nutrition system that is :

1. Tasty : because all the bad foods out there are so damn addictive.

2. Healthy : for your body, but mainly healthy for your mind because you probably already obsess about food 
too much.

3. Simple : because your life is already complicated enough as it is, and that too many rules lead to failure 
and leaveyoufeeling like crap.

4. Inevitable : which means it sets lasting habits in place, and makes you eventually forget you’re on a
“diet” at all.

To be honest, I’m not the kind of guy that’s the most comfortable talking about the mindset stuff. I’d rather stick to my nutrition nerdiness. But I would be making you a HUGE disservice by doing that. In reality, if you consume more information but decide that you’ll start on Monday or as your New Year’s resolution – I 
doubt you’ll ever transform your body and life.

What’s This Makeover All About?

This guide contains simple answers to complicated situations that happen for everyone when dealing with food, fat loss and dieting. Your journey will be hard, but you’re not alone. I’ll help you stick to the plan and actually feel like you’re making progress. You can pick and choose the steps that appeal the most to you but I’m sure all of them will benefit you in some way.

Remember: Practice makes perfect. To create your perfect system where fat loss will be inevitable and mindless, you’ll need to work hard.

New buying habits, new foods, new recipes, new mindset… Expect those changes to feel really uncomfortable at times. And when you get that feeling that tells you to quit because it’s just “not what you do” – you’ll know you’re about to have a life changing breakthrough.

Stick to the plan, and your new habits will get easier every day until you start to actually enjoy them. Trust me.  

I know you can do it .

STEP 1: Tasty

STEP 2 : Healthy

STEP 3 : Simple (SOON)

STEP 4 : Inevitable (SOON)