Plan a Massive Cheat Day

Dieting can be really stressful and you know that you want to do what's right, but there are some days you just need to cheat and eat all the bad things you want.  Well, if you're going to eat bad you might as well eat really bad.  I hope you don't ever need a cheat day, but if you use one, you should make the most of it.

Most people think that a cheat day is when you have one or two things that aren't on your diet.  That's not the case with a big cheat day.  You should eat as much bad stuff as you want.  Eat something really bad for you at every single meal and at snacks in between.  I have a couple good reasons for this.

The first is that you are going to feel horrible.  If you've been eating great and you're feeling good, then you will really feel the affects of what you're putting into your body.  Eating sugar and really processed foods all day is going to make you feel sick.  Why would you want to do that?  Because you can taste all the things you feel like you're denying yourself.  After all of that bad food makes you feel horrible, you'll realize that you're not denying yourself anything except feeling bad.

When you feel horrible after eating bad, you won't want to eat it for a long time.  You'll have bad memories of that food and it will actually help you think of that food negatively.  If you thought about throwing up each time you wanted to eat ice cream, do you think you would want to eat ice cream?

A single day is not enough to actually ruin a diet.  A single day will not stop you from achieving your health and weight loss goals.  Several bad days put together is what will stop you.  If you have one big break down cheat day a month, then you won't have to worry about your cheat day at all because you know that all the good days will take care of it.

How often should you have a cheat day?  It will really depend on how your body responds.  Most people shouldn't have more than one day a week.  You'll see much better results when you push that number down to one or two days a month.  Of course zero would be the best, but let's be realistic.  

You're going to have days that you just want to eat all sorts of bad things.  Being smart about your decisions and making sure to have several more good days of eating will help you with cheat days.  They might be what you need to help you stay on your diet.  You can reach your goals and sometimes just taking a tiny break will give you the motivation to keep going until you succeed.