No Gym Membership

No Gym Membership

No Membership Required!

If you're telling yourself that you can't work out because you can't afford a gym membership then it's time to look on the bright side. Gym memberships are great if you have the time and the energy to work out there every day of the week, but if not they just become a drain on your finances. The good news is that you can get just as good a work out outside of the gym, and we're going to tell you how…

1. Join the library instead

Library memberships are free so head down to yours and see what fitness DVDs they have on offer. You'll probably need to pay a small fee to rent them but it's certainly cheaper than taking a class at the gym. Rent a few different ones until you find the work outs you like best and then pick up a copy on Amazon or eBay.

2. Find a friend

If you ask around you'll probably find a friend who wants to work out as much as you do, so make a pact to become fitness friends. Meet at the park two or three times a week and do your own circuit training sessions. You can jog or run around the park and then work in a series of dips, planks, step-ups, crunches and jumping jacks.

3. Get walking

Do you take the bus to work? Get off a stop or two sooner to add some walking into your daily routine. Do you always try to find a space nearest the store when you drive? Think about parking at the back of the parking lot instead. Find yourself catching the elevator at work or at the mall? Hit the stairs instead. Walking is a great form of exercise and it's free, so just do what you can to increase the number of steps you take each day.

4. Go dancing

Dancing is a great aerobic activity that is fun so it doesn't feel like a gruelling workout. Whether you try ballroom with your partner or salsa with your girl friends just try a few styles and see which one you enjoy the best.

5. Get an app

If you've got a smartphone search your app store for the Couch to 5K app. Follow the plan and you'll go from a couch potato to running a whole 5K in just nine weeks!