The Truth About Sweeteners - Artificial Sweeteners

No calories, no problem.” At least that’s what I used to think. But when we look at the actual studies – it’s getting clearer that artificial sweeteners are NOT dieter’s best friends after all.

No Calories… Still Fattening And Dangerous

Even if they are virtually calorie-free, artificial sweeteners may make you gain weight. That’s a terrible thing – especially when most people usually choose “diet” products when trying to lose weight. But another big concern is the possible side effects they can have on your entire health.

Splenda (sucralose)

Effects on fat

For the average 150 lbs. person, 1.5 tsp. of Splenda per day promotes weight gain. The effect will be worse if your weigh less.

Other side effects

5 tsp. of Splenda per day damages gut flora and reduces the power of your immune system. Might be linked to Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBS).

Equal (aspartame)

Effects on fat

Shown to increase weight gain, even if you eat the same number of calories. Increases your sugar cravings. People consuming artificial sweeteners do not necessarily reduce their sugar consumption, making them basically useless for weight loss. May reduce insulin sensitivity and slow your fat loss. Spikes your blood sugar and insulin as much as any sugar.

Other side effects

Accounts for over 75 percent of the adverse reactions to food additives reported to the FDA. Triggers migraine headaches for some people. Has been linked with very serious conditions like cancer and brain damage, but at concentrations of 4,000 mg/day (around 22 twelve oz. sodas).

Research on aspartame is very controversial, and a lot of money is on the table for the food industry. That may be why a researcher found that 92% of independent studies found one or more problems with aspartame, while all of the industry-sponsored studies concluded aspartame showed no problems

Saccharin (sweet n’ low)

Effects on fat

Shown to increase weight gain, even if you eat the same number of calories.

Other side effects 

Causes bladder cancer in rats.

Acesulfamek (sweet one)

Effects on fat 

More fattening than sugar.

Other side effects

Various cancer experts think further testing is needed to assess cancer risks. The CSPI recommends avoiding it until more studies are done.

Will Artificial Sweeteners Kill Me?

Probably not. 
It is true that aspartame and other artificial sweeteners have been linked to cancer and various life-threatening health conditions. But these links have been established by studies made on animals, where they were fed exceptionally high quantities of sweeteners – which means these results that can’t necessarily be extrapolated to humans.That being said, artificial sweeteners are certainly not the only source of potential carcinogenic compounds we consume in our everyday lives. That’s why I think laws like “The Delaney Clause” should be enforced for every food product. It states:

“The FDA shall not approve for use in food any chemical additive found to induce cancer in man, or, after tests, found to induce cancer in animals.” 

Unfortunately, this clause has been toned down since 1992 to allow more pesticides in the food supply.

How To Spot Artificial Sweeteners

A lot of artificial sweeteners like aspartame hide under proprietary brand names.

The Truth About Sweeteners - Artificial Sweeteners

If a product says “sugar-free”, then look closely at the label. Diet sodas, flavor packs, drink mixes, yogurts, cereal, chewing gum, juices, snack foods and any food with “artificial flavor” on the ingredients list could all potentially contain artificial sweeteners. This may be counter-intuitive, but the full sugar version of those foods are probably less damaging to your health.

Neotame: The New Guy In Town

Mix aspartame and 3-di-methylbutyl, which can be found on the EPA’s list of most hazardous chemicals… and you get the brand new sweetener neotame. This new sweetener is not commonly used yet, but we’ll definitely see more of it in the future. Even though it’s deemed safe by the FDA, neotame will probably trigger reactions for people sensitive to aspartame.


  • Artificial sweeteners are NOT a good replacement to sugar for fat loss. Some studies even show they might make you fatter than sugar.
  • They won’t give you cancer overnight, but are carcinogenic in animal studies.
  • Aspartame may trigger headaches for some people. 
  • There are better alternatives to these artificial sweeteners out there, so avoid them as much as possible.